誰都會有感情爆發的時候。有時候,那是積累已久的感覺一直沒有說出來。終於有一天,在完全沒有防備的時候衝出心房。有時候,那是埋藏在心裡面的善良,也可能是從不自覺的悲哀。或許跟我們沒有關係,或許是無法告人的祕密。我總是在莫名其妙的時間開始哭 - 連我也以為自己瘋掉了。明明是很微不足道的雞毛蒜事,卻很容易控制不住自己的情緒。
我不知道心痛得像火燒是怎樣的感覺。我想我還沒有真正愛過。只有最真實的感情才會最痛心吧,我猜。可是,儘管我年紀不大,還是必定經歷過分別。現在我想來,離別的那一刻不是最痛的,因為那時候還是懵然不知。是在之後,看到了甚麼、聽見了甚麼,所以又想起了失去的一切。是那樣的失落感讓人們悲慟不已。好想好想,好想回到當初,好想你。心裡面不可能的慾望瞬間會膨脹,撐破了那道努力建起的石牆。只要看見如今的自己,就變得頹廢,也像大聲的喊出來。對我來說,最可怕的是重讀舊信件和信息。雖然心會忽然變得窩心,我每一次也會有大聲叫髒話的念頭。(這不是我如常會做的事 - 當然我也不會做出來)
到底怎樣才是最折磨自己的方法呢?或許寫歌是其一,至少對於獨立樂團和創作歌手來說是。把如火一樣的心情變成一首歌,其實把那一刻的感覺換成了永恆。自此以後,也會永遠記得那麼悲痛欲絕的時刻。更殘忍的,是要不斷地把歌弄成完美,配上歌詞,錄音,後期製作 - 一層一層的把傷口越刮越深。
“One of the most meaningful songs to the band is “Back To Me Without You,” which was written in real time while Kimberly was dealing with the aftermath of a friendship that had imploded. “It was literally crashing and burning as we were writing the song,” Reid says. “She was heartbroken and had to take breaks from writing it in the front of the bus to go to the back of the bus to cry. Neil and I kept telling her, ‘Get back to what you know’ and ‘Get back to what you do,’ which ended up being lyrics in the song.” - The Band Perry, on Pioneer
“人生第一次忍不住在錄音室大哭,是錄〈這天〉的時候,〈我好想你〉是第二次。每一次做專輯、面對創作,都非得血淋淋赤裸裸地迎擊歌曲裡的情感,真是殘忍的過程。原本不願意自己唱這首歌,放了五年,現在這樣的思念即將與你們分享了,有點近鄉情怯。” - 青峰 我好想你
Back To Me Without You
I wanna wake where I was born and breathe the old air in
I need a haunt from a ghost that I knew way back then
Oh I hope they left the light on
I want someone who knows me just to say my name
To tell me though things are different now somehow I'm still the same
Oh I can almost hear them calling
I don't know if I'll be back again
Turns out they were right again
(Get back to what you know
Get back to what you do)
Gotta get back to me, ooooo
If it's true home is where the heart is
I guess now I'm homeless
(Get back to what you know
Get back to what you do)
Gotta get back to me without you
For two years I've lived my life way out on a limb
I put my faith in you not knowing you would break in the end
I hate feeling fallen
I don't know if I'll be back again
Turns out they were right again
(Get back to what you know
Get back to what you do)
Gotta get back to me, ooooo
If it's true home is where the heart is
I guess now I'm homeless
(Get back to what you know
Get back to what you do)
Gotta get back to me without you
I added rain to your ocean
What did it do, it meant nothing to you
You made grief my chief emotion
Why'd you have to do what you thought you had to do
I don't know if I'll be back again
Turns out they were right again
(Get back to what you know
Get back to what you do)
Gotta get back to me, ooooo
If it's true home is where the heart is
I guess now I'm homeless
(Get back to what you know
Get back to what you do)
Gotta get back to me without you
The slow death of a slow dance
The tailspin of a romance
I gotta get back and breathe the old air in
Back to me without you - The Band Perry
我好想你 - 蘇打綠