目前分類:Isle of Wight - 英國的海 (4)

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22.09.13  11.00

Finally, a calm calm sea. Here I hear no bashing of waves, no cries of laughter; here I see no flags of beach towels, no scattering of flip flops all over the beach. Tell me, why is the sea so quiet today. So quiet that it could be forgotten, ignored or neglected. Why is there no one staring at this enormous blue-grey-green mattress? 

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21.09.13  2.30

She asked me to study that painting, and imitate. I am not Mary Mother, or the angel in Raphael paintings. No, but for that single moment (or the coming hour), I must be.

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21.09.2013  10.45

I don't know why the sea is so flat, level, equal, always a permanent line. I ponder, who creates and maintains the balance between the land, sea and sky?

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接下來的幾週,我都會發表上個週末的日記。Isle of Wight是英國最南端的小島。英國雖然是個島嶼,但很少人會將它和海邊連上關係。英國周圍的海太冷了,冷得無法游泳。可是Isle of Wight不同 - 它就像是英國人的布吉島。在這個島上,有幾個長長的海灘,你可以玩水上活動,你可以在幼滑的沙子上追逐,你可以在碼頭遊樂場玩個盡興。海邊有一間又一間的餐廳和旅館,還有很多很多售賣雪糕的冰淇淋。你能相信這樣的情境嗎,在又冷又濕的英國裡,竟然存在這般充滿陽光氣息的地方。


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